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Neema Livestock & Slaughtering Investment Ltd

Halal Quality Meat

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The Economic Impact of NL&SIC on the Livestock Value Chain

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The Economic Impact of NL&SIC on the Livestock Value Chain

Neema Livestock and Slaughtering Investments Ltd (NL&SIC) plays a pivotal role in the Kenyan livestock value chain, contributing significantly to the country's economy and supporting livelihoods across various sectors. As a leading meat processing company, NL&SIC's operations have far-reaching economic benefits that extend from small-scale producers to consumers and beyond.

NL&SIC's economic impact is multifaceted, encompassing job creation, income generation, market expansion, and value addition. By fostering a vibrant and sustainable livestock industry, NL&SIC helps to drive economic growth, alleviate poverty, and enhance food security in Kenya.

Services Offered by NL&SIC:

i. Contract Slaughter: NL&SIC provides contract slaughter services for livestock producers, creating employment opportunities for skilled workers in the slaughtering and processing sector. By streamlining the supply chain and improving market access, NL&SIC helps producers increase their incomes and support their families.

ii. Contract Freezing and Chilling: With its contract freezing and chilling services, NL&SIC adds value to the livestock value chain by extending the shelf life of meat products and facilitating access to distant markets. This contributes to increased sales and revenues for producers, transporters, and retailers involved in the distribution process.

iii. Own Slaughter and Supply: NL&SIC's own slaughter and supply operations generate direct and indirect employment opportunities in the production, processing, and distribution of meat products. By sourcing livestock locally and supplying meat products to both local and international markets, NL&SIC stimulates economic activity and generates foreign exchange earnings for the country.

NL&SIC's economic impact goes beyond its core business activities. The company also invests in infrastructure development, technology adoption, and skills training to enhance productivity and competitiveness in the livestock value chain. Additionally, NL&SIC supports local businesses and suppliers, creating a multiplier effect that benefits the broader economy.

As a socially responsible company, NL&SIC is committed to maximizing its positive economic impact while minimizing negative externalities. By promoting sustainable practices, ethical sourcing, and community engagement, NL&SIC contributes to the long-term prosperity and resilience of the Kenyan livestock industry.

Join NL&SIC in its mission to build a stronger, more inclusive economy and create shared prosperity for all stakeholders in the livestock value chain. Together, we can harness the potential of the livestock sector to drive sustainable development and improve the lives of millions of people in Kenya and beyond.


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